14 moves, 2 countries, 4 states (even Oklahoma!), flight school, job changes, kids, and endless rolls of packing tape later we are heading to Taiwan for the second time. Not by chance. Not by first choice. (I happen to really like Oregon. And speaking English. And Trader Joes.) But because the God, Creator of the heavens and the earth, has invited us to walk with Him there. To love on His people. To share His peace and joy. To see a little more of how BIG a God He is. And when God invites you to walk with Him... well, I don't know about you, but we think we'll accept the invitation.
In reality, the Dance began long before a proposal. And I don’t believe it’s all by chance. Both of us grew with a love for travel. And as we each came to know the Hope and Grace of walking with Jesus Christ, we couldn’t help but have a desire to share the Love and Joy we’ve given. And then He gave us "Us". Partners to dance the dance with. A precious gift in itself.
I fully believe God creates each of us with gifts and talents and passions in our hearts. There is always a way to use them to share who God is, how great and loving and awesome He is. The challenge for those who have experienced Him, is taking the risk to live it… for real… not just in a dream.
(to be continued)